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A Feminist Digital Performance

Ana Čigon
Masterarbeit, 2012
Interface Cultures Dear Ladies, Thank You is the title of my practical work described and interpreted in the present master thesis. It consists of three formally and conceptually different variations. However, the main topic is always the (in)visibility of women artists in art history and in the collective memory. The work therefore deals with a feminist topic and its specific artistic form is digital performance. The two terms feminism and digital performance are also the main subjects of my theoretical discussion in the present text.

In the first section of the text (3.1. Feminism(s)) I discuss some selected feminist topics, such as importance of feminism today and my view on some feminist issues. This is then related to the question of (in)visibility of women artists in art history and art theory (3.2. Art History), where the different reasons for such undeserved invisibility are investigated and challenged.

In the next chapter 3.3. Digital Performance, I discuss this artistic form, describe its historical precedents, and point out some recent digital performance works that are most closely related to Dear Ladies, Thank You. In 3.4.Related Works, I describe some additional artworks, which are not considered as digital performances, but are for different reasons related to my performance. In this chapter I also include descriptions of some of my related artworks. All these works and some from the chapter dedicated to digital performance, are, later in the text (mainly in chapters numbered 4.2.7. and 4.3.2.), juxtaposed with various aspects of the three versions of the performance Dear Ladies and used for comparison and complex interpretation of the performances. Beside this, the chapter 4. Practical Artwork is dedicated also to the formal, technical and conceptual description of the three variations of the performance Dear Ladies, Thank You.

Finally the chapter 5. Conclusion and Further Goals touches upon a quick review of the findings of the thesis and meditates upon the possibilities of future themes and artworks.
Ana Čigon Master Thesis 2012.pdf