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Tropical Playgrounds

Sandrine von Klot (curator s&d_research), Claudia Pasquero (ecoLogicStudio/ London), Ebru Kurbak (phd student s&d_research)
space&designstrategies_research Abstract:
"How close are we to some sort of a playful collapse - within our public environments, how much intelligent feed-back behaviour can we actually bear? Claudia Pasquero offers students to participate in a 3-day study about systems of dynamic adaptability and the process of generating complex form. In this context her inquiry does not primarily point to the aesthetics of self-organized patterns, though ´beauty´may be perceived as an emergent property of semi-natural form.

Broschierte Publikation: 14 Seiten
Erscheinungsdatum: März 2010
Sprache: Englisch
Herausgeber: Univ. Prof. Mag. arch. Elsa Prochazka, Sandrine von Klot
Auflage: 500 Stk.
Link: www.strategies-research.ufg.ac.at