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What’s the use of the unrequited love?

Emotions and Eat Art in the Artistic Practice

Vesela Mihaylova Vladimirova
Masterarbeit, 2012
Interface Cultures The subject of this thesis has its roots in a personal experience. I fell in love, but I was not being loved in return and I had to ask myself the question what was the use (or the sense) of this love. As the affair ended I have decided to apply my emotions and feelings into an artistic project in order to release them, in an attempt to put them in order, examine them and let them go.
The whole piece consists of several sub-works, some of them finished, some of them yet to come. In this study I will concentrate on two, 5 sculptural objects in a shape of a natural human heart, and a performance, where I visualize through cooking the feelings and emotions documented in a private blog-diary during the time of the relationship. Beforehand, I will present the theoretical background where the biological and neurophysiological nature of love as well as the aspects of the unrequited love are discussed, then follows a section about the heart as a symbol in the history, and an overview of Eat Art artists, performances and events.
Vesela Mihaylova Vladimirova Master Thesis 2012.pdf