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talking heads #4

21. Dezember 2021, 19.00 Uhr ONLINE via Webex

Im vierten Teil der Vortragsreihe von raum&designstrategien sind Helena Bernhardt & Gunnar Grandel vom Kollektiv Raumstation zu Gast.

Link zum WEBEX meeting: kuni-linz.webex.com

Always in search of new impulses, Kollektiv Raumstation explores the city. It works critically and playfully at the same time, locally and in concrete places. The collective casts new perspectives on (in-between) spaces, raises social issues for discussion, makes everyday experts visible, and brings unheard voices to the fore. Founded in 2013 in Weimar, Kollektiv Raumstation is now also active in Berlin and Vienna. Let's move on to new spaces!


© Kollektiv Raumstation