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Bildgalerie zu Leonardo @ Ars Electronica 2010

DI Christopher Lindinger: "Future Elevation" www.aec.at
Dr. Daniela Reimann: "Crossing the borders of arts, science and technology in education"
Karmen Franinovic "The Zürich Node" www.z-node.net
Lunch Break
Lanfranco Aceti "Transmediation of content and people across disciplines: The challenges of hybrid teaching and Hybrid Students"
Karen Lancel "New parameters for an online practice based PhD. Case study: TELE TRUST"
Michael John Gormann: "The Art-Science Interface and the public face of the research university: Lessons from the first two years of Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin"
Open Discussion
Discussing future plans; Annick Bureaud, directrice Leonardo/Olats (l'Observatoire Leonardo pour les Arts et les Techno-Sciences) www.olats.org, Daniela Reimann und Nina Czegledy