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SIGNS OF LIFE - Lukas Jakob Löcker feat. companions

Opening: February 7, 2024, 7 p.m., exhibition until February 23, 2024 Atelierhaus Salzamt, Obere Donaulände 15 ,4020 Linz

Finissage: February 23, 2024, 7 p.m.

Lukas Jakob Löcker, lecturer in Medial Design at the Institute of Art and Education, invites you to the exhibition.

After a decade, there is a sign of life again - the new edition of SIGNS OF LIFE deals with communication in an intramedia way. Media composer Lukas Jakob Löcker enters into a dialog with companions, the Salzamt, the first exhibition 10 years ago, his own artistic work and the improvised process of becoming.

"A definition for art: being alive (and meaning it). An artist is someone committed to living, not merely existing."
Alok Vaid-Menon, CAPTIONS, 2021

The interest is in dialogue in the sense of signal transmission - connectedness that is realized through the parameters of space, people and medium and thus aims to enable the experience of art.


SIGNS OF LIFE - Lukas Jakob Löcker feat. companions

SIGNS OF LIFE - Lukas Jakob Löcker feat. companions